Wednesday, 11 February 2004

You could be next

Unknown @ Wednesday, February 11, 2004
Over recent years we've seen an increase in outsourcing of call centre and IT jobs to India. Now Reuters has taken it a step further by outsourcing journalism to India. I kid you not. As this story shows, Reuters are planning to transfer the routine reporting of Wall St business news to Bangalore.

Management makes the claim that the cost savings from this move will actually work to preserve jobs in the struggling company. That's a position I'll reserve judgement for now. From past experience this looks very similar to the stealth approach followed by other companies who claimed it would have no negative impact, only to make significant numbers redundant over subsequent months.

However, with the Civil Service hiring staff at a rate of 500 per week, perhaps there are some cost savings to be made by shipping the whole Government and supporting infrastructure to Bangalore or Mumbai. They certainly appear to have suitable skills, offering an improvement over many of the current incumbents of Westminster.

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